
On Hold Recordings-8 Super Tips To Market Your Business By Phone! Wholesale

On hold recordings and on hold messages are an essential marketing platform for any business using telecommunications technology, or simply "talking on the phone".USA Business Telephone Today conducted a survey to find out the effectsof putting callers "on-hold." The callers surveyed were routine callersseeking information from the USA Business Telephone Today Center inWashington, D.C. Here's is how this study was done: A total of 30,000 callers were put"on-hold" for one minute under different conditions; each call was thenanswered with the same message,"Thank you for waiting. Would you mindtelling me how long you had to wait "on-hold"?"Dead Air", ie. silence (10,000 callers) 52% of callers dropped off the line Xbox 360 Accessories 27% estimated the "on-hold" time exceeded 5 minutes. 18% estimated the "on-hold" time exceeded 3 minutes. 3% estimated the "on-hold" time exceeded 1 minute. Music only (10,000 callers) 13% of callers dropped off the line 56% estimated the "on-hold" time was less than 1 minute. 28% estimated the "on-hold" time exceeded 1 minute. 3% estimated the "on-hold" time exceeded 2 minutes. Customized Audio Program, ie. interesting information interspersed withtasteful music segments (10,000 callers) 2% of callers had dropped off the line. 81% estimated the "on-hold" time was less than 1 minute. 16% estimated the "on-hold" time exceeded 1 minute. 1% estimated the "on-hold" time exceeded 2 minutes.Bottom line: Customized audio entertains and informs your potentialcustomers. It makes wait times appear shorter, and the recall onproducts mentioned on hold is second to none. So be sure to include onhold messages as part of your advertising budget today, and try to include the following in your script:* Cross-promote your products and services. * Wholesale NDSi NDSi LL cases skins Reinforce current/seasonal promotions. * Include e-mail and web-site info. * Motors Accessories Educate your callers with company info. * Include location and business hours. * Wholesale Tell callers about your payment options. * Special awards, designations and/or professional affiliations.* Features and benefits you want to share with your callers. For more information regarding on hold recordings, music on hold, or marketing online, in print or on radio or TV, please contact IMI99 On Hold today, so we can make sure you get value and results.

